“Subbalakshmi, come here, I will show you some fun.”

Om Sathguru Sri Seshadri Swamigal Thirvadikkae

Shri. Venkatachala Mudaliar and his wife Subbhalakshmi Ammal were earnest devotees of Swami. Quite often Swami used to visit them, take food in their house and take to them in a jolly fashion. In the backyard of their house there were two Poovarasu (Portia) trees and two drumstic trees. It was a new moon day. Swami dropped in at about 4 in the evening, and said, “Subbalakshmi, come here, I will show you some fun.”

When she asked what he was going to show, Swami was looking into the sky through the open verandah and raised his hands calling out, “Come! Come! Immediately one crow came, then another crow flue in, then five, ten, hundred crows flew in; likewise a number of other species of birds like pigeons, parrots, various types of sparrows, all flew in. They all crowded the whole place including the neighbouring house, sitting on the ground, on the roof, on the trees etc; and started making noise and jumping here and there and playing. Swami was in the midst of the birds and played with them. Subbhalakshmi was watching the fun with curiosity. Then Swami took a strand from his shoulder cloth and blew it. Immediately all the birds departed.

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