Monthly Archives: November 2009

“Unless Ravan dies, the head will not grow…!”

Om Sathguru Sri Seshadri Swamigal Thiruvadikkae

Unless Ravana dies, the head will not grow…
Tongue, nose, nose, tongue, tongue, lick, lick
What have you seen? Is it so beautiful –Mere Phlegm?”

Bhargava Ram Iyer of Thiruvananthapuram, had given himself up to carnal and sensual pleasures. He received this message from Sathguru Shri Seshadri Swamigal.

Ravana, referred to passions. ‘Head’ here, meant the ten senses. The words ‘Tongue’, ‘Nose’ and other such words are to caution people from falling prey to feminine charms. Swami talked about the wastefulness and futility of lust and indulging in carnal pleasures.

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“Go Monkey, Go!”

Om Sathguru Sri Seshadri Swamigal Thiruvadikkae

Hanuman said:

Brother, I do not know much about the phase of the moon, or the position of the stars, I just contemplate Rama.”

Mangalore Raghunatha Rao was a devotee of Lord Rama. One day he went to pay his respect to Avathar Sri Seshadri Swamigal. Swami brought a big piece of stone, to hit him. Raghunatha Rao praying to Lord Rama bowed his head asking, “If it was Sethubhandan or Samudra Lankan.(Dam across the sea). Swami threw the stone away and patted him nicely saying, “Monkey, go monkey.” From then Raghunatha Rao came to be known as Hanuman, Maruthi and he also became a devotee of Lord Hanuman.

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Mahaan Seshadri’s LEELAS (Miracles)- (Tiruvannamalai, 1889-1929)

Om Sathguru Sri Seshadri Swamigal Thiruvadikkae

Avathar Sri Seshadri Swamigal (God-incarnation – Lord of the Universe) appears in human form. He had swallowed and spat out the whole Universe from his mouth. He was capable of inducing a dream in the minds of His devotees. And till today He appears in the dreams of His devotees and blesses them.

Sometimes Swamigal was seen to order somebody in an irrelevant manner, or give them a blade of grass, or a lump of earth, or flowers, or money, or abuse or, beat someone. Sometimes he was seen receiving something from others. He was always seen doing some actions;

One should never try to find out the meaning or the motive of these actions. His words and actions should always be remembered and stored deep in one’s heart. The more secretly they are stored, the earlier they are able to bear fruit.

Mere intellectuals can never understand Avathar Sri Seshadri Swamigal through their intellect. It becomes impossible for the intellect to gauge Him nor is it possible for His ways to be fathomed by the limited human mind.”

– Sathguru Sri Rajalinga Swamigal

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