Tag Archives: Bhanukavi

“It was said that by Swami’s grace Goddess Saraswathi herself had spoken …”

Om Sathguru Sri Seshadri Swamigal Thirvadikkae

Bhanukavi was a vidwan and an ardent devotee of Avathar Sri Seshadri Swamigal at who’s very thought, his heart would melt. If he met Swami in person he would forget himself. One day Bhanukavi had to deliver a lecture on “Yoga and Yogi” with Mahamahopadyaya Sri Dhandapani Dikshidar of Chidambaram presiding. The meeting was convened on the first floor of the Anna Chathram. Dikshidar made a remark, “It is one Bhanukavi who is to speak. Let us see his face as Bhanu means Surya.” At this introduction, Bhanukavi got unnerved. One could speak fluently was stuck with stage fright. He got up and was tongue-tied. The audience got restless and thought this was to be a fiasco. At that point Avathar Sri Seshadri Swamigal emerged from somewhere. The audience stood up. Bhanukavi fell at Swami’s feet and was in tears. Swami blessed him. He laughed and left the stage. That was all that happened and after that, wonder of wonders! – the ocean of Bhanukavi overflowed its banks!

Said he, “I am now going to speak in this Devasabha, under the championship of Brihaspathi”. He continued his speech for two hours delivering a virtual flood of nectarine words, which enthralled the audience!

It was said that by Swami’s grace, Goddess Saraswathi herself had delivered the speech for Bhanukavi! This was an instance wherein Swami shielded his devotees from being humiliated, just as Lord Krishna had shielded Draupadi in Mahabharat.

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