Tag Archives: man

“Those birds will come and you can go”

Om Sathguru Sri Seshadri Swamigal Thirvadikkae

On one occasion Shri Kuzhumani Narayana Sastrigal was given a send-off by Swami. It was 8 a.m. They were passing near the Chathram. Swamy put his hands around Sastrigal’s neck and stood for a while. In the distant sky it appeared as if a lone bird was flying. Pointing to that, Swami asked Sastrigal, “Is that a garuda?” Sastrigal replied, “Yes, it looks like a garuda.” At that time Swami made a gesture with his hands as if calling that bird. He bade farewell to Sastrigal saying, “Those birds will come, and you can go.” Hardly had Sastrigal walked on a few yards on the way to the railway station, when two garuda birds flew very close to him, one on his left and another on his right. As Swami had said, the birds would come, hundreds of garudas flocked there. It was as if the devotee’s journey should have a good augury. Swami had called them purposely in.

“Love is a gift from God to man. Obedience is a gift from Master to man. Surrender is a gift from man to Master.”

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