Tag Archives: Sivaganga is very deep

“Sivaganga is very deep. Should you not have cautioned…”

Om Sathguru Sri Seshadri Swamigal Thirvadikkae

Sub-Registrar Shri Sundaresa Chettiar had two unmarried daughters named Parvathibhai and Janakibhai. They were great devotees of Swami. The two girls sought refuge at the feet of Swami for the whole day. One Janaki had a dream. Janaki and Parvathi were bathing in the Sivaganga; Parvathi got drowned, seeing that, Janaki cried aloud. At that moment Swami rushed and lent His hand to lift her out of the water. When they were returning home, a chameleon kept chasing Janaki. Swami again appeared on the scene and drove away the chameleon. Janakibhai divulged the above dream in the morning to all members of the household.

When they called on Swamigal, later in the day, Swamigal said,Should you not have cautioned Parvathibhai not to get into that place? Yama who came to take her life chased you in the form of a chameleon. You need not harbour any fear hereafter. Saying that Swami soothed them with His hands. It is clear from the above that Swami Saves His devotees even when one measure this quality of mercy to His devotees?”

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